Need supplies? No need to wait for a workshop, shop online anytime you like by clicking here or by visiting www.paper-escape.stampinup.net and clicking the "SHOP" button.
Create an account on your first visit to keep track of your purchases and to receive the preferred pricing. You can shop as a guest if you prefer, but there won't be a record of your purchase history, which can help when you're away from home and trying to work out what you already bought!!! Once you have browsed and chosen your items, click on the $price total in the top right hand corner.
This will bring you to the checkout screen where you can review your shopping bag and enter your hostess code if applicable.
A hostess code will be given to you if you are ordering for a friend's workshop or as part of a Mystery Hostess competition. Enter the code in the box as shown above and click "APPLY". The name of the hostess will now be shown.
Click CHECKOUT and proceed as normal. Stalk your postie and wait for your order to arrive to your door. You can also save your shopping bag for later, any expired savings or hostess codes will no longer be valid.
If you have any questions when ordering online just give me call on 0432370630 or email paperescape@gmail.com
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